Jack Jackter Intermediate School Artists


Here is some art on display from our third grade artists!!!

The 3rd grade students made banners to represent who they are, using their initials.  Students drew pictures of things they liked around their initials.  This was their way of introducing themselves to JJIS.
Students also made 3-D jaguar masks, which represent our school mascot.  After studying and discussing various animal masks from different cultures, they constructed the masks from oaktag then colored the masks using patterns and bold, bright colors. 

Interview with Noah

What materials did you usually use to make art work?

·       Pencil drawings.

What inspired you to do this art?

·       I like to draw a lot.

Did you draw this when it was a certain time of day in your art work?

·       Usually in the middle of the day.

Is there any colors that you like in your pieces and why?

·       Usually just black and white.

Was there any help with this art piece?

·       No.

How many days did it take you to make it?

·       About 2

Name one part of it that you liked and why?

·       I liked how I had lots of details.

Did anybody give you ideas?  If so who?

·       No.

Did you use any patterns?

·       Yeah, there was a couple, circle and lines.

Do you want to change anything to it?

·       No.


Jack Jackter Artists in grade 3,4,and 5