Jack Jackter Intermediate School Artists



 This is the 4th graders' page. Kids in 4th grade work with different types of media,or materials, and as they work, they also learn art history. For example while creating their mini mummy sculptures they learn the meanings of ancient Egyptian symbols. 4th graders plan each project carefully using sketches and reference materials.

These amazing aritists at JJIS have made havest still lifes.  They learned contour drawing techiques and differant ways to show texture.  Students first drew their still lifes from observation, then used a water based marker and brushes to create a watercolor wash. This lets the artist create areas of light and shadow within the composition. Thats why these creations are so fabulous.
These extraordinary collages are amazing. They are about how to be a citizen at JJIS. Some of these great collages are 3d and some students chose to do theirs 2d. Some of the collages are about helping others, being a role model, taking responsibilty, and being a good freind.

Interveiw with Victor

 Q  What stage is you’re in on the mummy project?


A  I am putting on the symbol.


Q What Egyptian symbols did you use on the mummy?


A  I used the symbol of life.


Q what would you want to name your mummy and why?


A Chip because it’s the name of my fat cat.


Q  What steps did you use for your mummy?

A First I made the armature and then covered it with tape. After that I covered it with papier-mâché then let it dry. Next I painted it then sketched the designs. Then I drew the designs on. I colored it and last I put the gems on.
Jack Jackter Artists in grade 3,4,and 5