Jack Jackter Intermediate School Artists


Interview with students on the art board.

We sent three of the JJIS website designers to interview some of the kids on the Art Ed Board.

This years interviews will be posted soon

JJIS Magic Mailbox !

The Magic Mailbox is where students in any grade can submit artwok to be displayed at each month's school-wide JJIS "Town Meeting." Just about any media or art form is considered for review, including photographs, paintings, drawings, sculptures, etc.  The student Art Board carefully reviews each student's artwork, along with a statement written by each artist explaining the piece they have submitted.  The Art Board then chooses two pieces of art to be featured in the Town Meetings. The pictures that are displayed represent some of the best.  Works of art that are not featured in the Town Meetings are displayed in the hallway leading to the school gymnasium.  All artists are recognized for their efforts.
This photograph was recently featured in one of our Town Meetings.

Jack Jackter Artists in grade 3,4,and 5