Jack Jackter Intermediate School Artists


Projects made by the whole school

Here are some awesome things that the school made all together! Students from all the grades (teachers included) worked together to make big banners, huge puppets, stepping stones for our peace pole, and our first PUBLIC ART project, giant cubes painted with symbols of the theme: HEADS, HEARTS & HANDS TOGETHER!!!


Art at Recess is a very popular option for 3rd 4th and 5th grade students wg choose to spend recess time in the art rooms. They can participate in specical art projects such as weaving, origami, and 3-D art. They also use the time to work on classroom art projects, or to develop and practice specific art skills or techniques.  Below are some weavings done by students in "Art at Recess."
Jack Jackter Artists in grade 3,4,and 5